
Tiudorai *S01E06* / The Tudors *S01E06* (2007) BRRip


S01E06: True Love

Henry is still besotted with Anne Boleyn, queen Catherine asks a diplomat to appeal to her Habsburg relatives. Now the emperor has captured the pope in Italy, cardinal Woolsey promises the king to get a mandate from the cardinals to handle Henry's divorce demand and personally goes to Paris in triumph, to sign a treaty with the French king Francis I. Ann's father Thomas Boleyn tells the incredulous king about the cardinal's stealing confiscated monastical goods. After utterly abject humiliation at Henry's feet, Charles Brandon is allowed to win his return to court by arm-wrestling. When the pope escapes to Orvieto, Thomas Cromwell pleases the king by proposing Ann's former tutor as messenger to present his divorce requests; Woolsey has him intercepted, reads the draft documents and lets him go, sneering the mission is hopeless; the king is furious when it fails indeed.

Tai įdomu:

JAV televizijos serialas "The Tudors" apie Anglijos karalių Henrį VIII buvo pradėtos rodyti 2007 metais. Pagrindinį vaidmenį seriale atliko Jonathanas Rhysas Meyersas, o vieną iš jo mylimųjų suvaidino ir erotinėje scenoje nusifilmavo lietuvių kilmės britų aktorė Ruta Gedmintas.

Originalus pavadinimas: The Tudors, Airija, 2007
Režisierius: Michael Hirst
Vaidina: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Henry Cavill, Anthony Brophy, James Frain, Sarah Bolger, Guy Carleton, Natalie Dormer, Max Brown, Nick Dunning, Rod Hallett, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Simon Ward, Padraic Delaney
Trukmė: 55 min.
Žanras: Drama, Karinis
Kalba: Anglų
Subtitrai: Lietuvių k. (Prof.) - Vytautas Kerpšys
IMDb reitingas: 8.2/10 (10,156 votes)

iMDB.COM: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0758790

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